SRAM (Static RAM)

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Product Description

Industry’s broadest portfolio of Low power and High Speed SRAM memories with stable supply and long term support commitment

Infineon’s stand-alone SRAM is a random-access memory that offers you an easy way to add more RAM to your applications. Infineon offers a wide variety of High-speed, Low-power and reliable SRAMs for a broad variety of applications such as Networking, Automotive, Consumer electronics, Industrial, Medical, Aerospace and Defense. With a diversified portfolio of Asynchronous, Synchronous and Dual-port SRAMs and a commitment of stable supply and long-term product support, Infineon is a preferred SRAM supplier. These devices are available in densities ranging from 256 Kbit to 64 Mbit with on-chip ECC. Infineon also supports high-reliability, radiation tolerant products for mission critical applications.

Infineon’s SRAM Family

With On-Chip Hardware ECC (Error Correction Code), Infineon’ SRAMs perform all ECC related functions in line, without intervention. Higher energy extra-terrestrial radiation can flip multiple adjacent bits, leading to multi-bit errors. The single-bit error detection and correction capability of ECC is supplemented by a bit-interleaving scheme to prevent the occurrence of multi-bit errors. Together, these features provide significant improvement in Soft Error Rate (SER) performance, resulting in industry leading FIT rates of less than 0.1 FIT/Mbit. Infineons Asynchronous SRAM memory products are classified into two families based on their access time:

  • Low-power Asynchronous SRAMs: These are devices that typically operate in the 45-ns and slower speed range. These SRAMs are typically designed to consume very low power and are used in applications where power is a major concern. They are often used for temporary data storage and scratch pad applications. Infineon’ MoBL® Micropower Asynchronous SRAMs belong to this family.
  • Fast Asynchronous SRAMs: These are devices that typically operate in the sub–25 ns region. They are often used in buffer and cache memory applications. Infineon offers Fast SRAMs with PowerSnooze™ to offer devices that combines the access time of Fast Asynchronous SRAM with a unique ultra-low-power sleep mode

Synchronous SRAM memory products are classified based on the data transfer rates:

  • Single Data Rate SRAMs: These are synchronous SRAMs where one word of data is transferred between the SRAMs and the controller in a given clock cycle. These include Infineon’ Pipelined SRAMs, Flowthrough SRAMs, Burst SRAMs and Network SRAMs – NoBL™/ZBT™ SRAMs
  • Double & Quad Data Rate SRAMs: These SRAMs can transfer multiple data words in a given cycle. These SRAMs are designed to be the SRAMs of choice for networking applications with high data rate requirements. QDR (Quad Data Rate™) and DDR (Double Data Rate) SRAMs belong to this family.

SRAM architecture & types

SRAM uses a flip-flop based latching circuitry to store each bit. Nearly all SRAMs either use a 4-Transistor or a 6-Transistor memory cell. These cell structures allow data to be stored for an indefinite amount of time in the device as long as it is powered. SRAMs come in two different flavors: Synchronous and Asynchronous. Synchronous SRAMs are devices that are synchronized with an external signal called a clock. The device will read and write information into the memory only on particular states of the clock. An asynchronous SRAM, on the other hand, does not depend on the state of a clock. It will begin to read or write information into the memory as soon as it receives the instruction to do so.


SRAMs don’t require period refresh like DRAMs, hence offer better performance. A DRAM cell is composed of an access transistor and a capacitor. Data is stored in the capacitor as electrical charge, but the electrical charge leaks over time. Therefore, DRAM must be refreshed periodically to preserve the stored data. The refresh negatively impacts DRAM performance and power dissipation. Due to this, SRAMs are also typically faster and have lower power consumption than DRAMs.

Power Low Medium High
Throughput High Low-Medium Medium-High
Access Time Low High High
Interface Simple Simple Complex

SRAM (Static RAM) subcategories

Asynchronous SRAM

Infineon’s Asynchronous SRAMs offer High speed, Low power with on-chip ECC to suit a variety of applications
Async SRAM is a type of Volatile random-access memory (RAM) that uses flip-flop based latching circuitry to store each bit. The data bits are retained in memory as long as power is supplied. Infineon provides the Industry’s broadest portfolio of Asynchronous SRAMs from 256K to 64M. Async SRAMs are used in Networking, Defence and Industrial applications due to its High reliability and Long Term Support offered. MoBL Asynchronous SRAMs are also ideal for battery powered and battery-backed solutions (BBSRAM) across a range of application segments that require data backup on power loss.
Infineon’s Async SRAMs are RoHS compliant, QML certified for Defence products and available in industry standard TSOP. BGA, SOP packages.

Density: 256K,512K,1M,2M,4M,8M,16M,32M, 64M
Interface: I2C | SPI | QSPI | Parallel (x8, x16, x32)

Synchronous SRAM

High speed, High performance Synchronous SRAMs
Sync SRAMs is a type of volatile random-access memory (RAM) that uses flip-flop based latching circuitry to store each bit. The data bits are retained in memory as long as power is supplied. Unlike Async SRAM, Sync SRAMs has a clocked interface for control, address and data. Infineon provides the Industry’s broadest portfolio of Synchronous SRAMs from 2M to 144M.
Infineon’s Sync SRAMs are RoHS compliant, QML certified for Defense products and available in industry standard TSOP, BGA, SOP packages.

Density:2M,4M, 9M, 18M, 36M, 72M, 144M
Interface: Parallel (x8, x16, x32, x72)

Other Memories

High performance SRAM memory interconnect solutions

Other Memories subcategories

  • QDR™
  • DDR
  • MOBL™ Dual-Port
  • FIFOs

Infineon offers a wide product portfolio of high performance interconnect solutions comprising of asynchronous and synchronous FIFOs, dual ports, quad ports and FullFlex dual ports.

Infineon’s high-performance asynchronous and synchronous FIFO products provide the ideal solution to interconnect problems such as flow control, rate matching, and bus matching for various markets including: Video, Network switching/routing, Data and Telecommunications.

Dual port SRAM
Infineon offers a wide Product portfolio of more than 300 types of Asynchronous and Synchronous Dual Ports, Quad Ports and FullFlex Dual Ports.

MoBL™ Dual port SRAM
Infineon offers a variety of high performance and low power Inter-Processor Communication (IPC) solutions. These interconnects allow IPC between multiple processors in various applications. Our MOBL™ family of Dual-Ports is specially optimized for consumer and handheld devices.

While our roadmap demonstrates a continued commitment to innovation and long-term support, we still offer memory products that were industry leading on one time. We still have loyal customers who love these products for long running systems but we do not recommend them for new designs. However, if you would like, we would be happy to supply them to you.

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