32-bit AURIX™ TriCore™ Microcontroller

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Product Description

The 32-bit-Microcontroller TriCore™ family with its embedded safety and security features is the ideal platform for a wide range of automotive and industrial applications.

AURIX™ TriCore™ unites the elements of a RISC processor core, a microcontroller and a DSP in one single MCU. TriCore™-based products target a large variety of automotive application. These include the control of combustion engines, electrical and hybrid vehicles, transmission control units , chassis domains, braking systems, electric power steering systems, airbags, connectivity and advanced driver assistance systems to support the trend toward autonomous, clean and connected cars. The AURIX™ family delivers also the versatility required for the industrial sector, excelling in optimized motor control applications and signal processing.

Infineon’s broad product portfolio allows engineers to choose from a wide range of memories, peripheral sets, frequencies, temperatures and packaging options and all this with a high degree of compatibility across generations.

32-bit AURIX™ TriCore™ Microcontroller subcategories

32-bit TriCore™ AURIX™– TC2xx

Using the AURIX™ platform, automotive developers will be able to control powertrain and safety applications with one single MCU platform. Developments using AURIX™ will require less effort to achieve the ASIL-D standard than with a classical lockstep architecture.

Customers wanting to reduce their time-to-market can now cut down their MCU safety development by 30%. By the same token, a performance surplus of 50% up to 100% allows for more functionality and offers a sufficient resource buffer for future requirements, keeping the power consumption on the single-core microcontroller level. While protecting IP, and preventing theft and fraud, AURIX™ provides an already built-in hardware security module (HSM).

Thanks to its unique features, AURIX™ is the perfect match for powertrain applications (including electrical and hybrid vehicles) as well as safety applications (such as steering, braking, airbags and advanced driver assistance systems).

32-bit TriCore™ AURIX™– TC3xx

The AURIX™ microcontroller TC3xx family with its up to hexa-core high performance architecture and its advanced features for connectivity, security and functional safety,is ideally suited for a wide field of automotive and industrial applications. In addition to engine management and transmission control, targeted powertrain applications include new systems in electrical and hybrid drives. The combination of performance and a powerful safety architecture makes the family ideal fit for domain control and data fusion applications supporting the next levels of autonomous driving.

The latest AURIX™ TC3xx microcontrollers are also well-suited for safety-critical applications to support clean, autonomous and connected cars. Ranging from classic airbag, braking and power steering to fail-operational systems supported by sensor-based systems using radar, LIDAR or cameratechnologies. The combination of performance and a powerful safety architecture makes the family ideal fit for domain control and data fusion applications supporting the next levels of autonomous driving.

The implemented connectivity features, in combination with the highest level of security, enable connected cars with applications such as a telematics unit, connected gateway or in-vehicle wireless charging for portable devices.
To make the car clean, the new family is well-suited to new systems inelectrical and hybrid drives – specifically hybrid domain control, inverter control, battery management, on board charger and DC-DC converters, in addition to engine management and transmission control systems.

AURIX™-TC3xx family concept offers both scalable feature-sets and pin-outs for optimal flexibility

* An option of 300Mhz is also available
› Advanced package technologies deliver the best price/performance ratio
› Customers can choose between different devices in the same pin-compatible package

32-bit TriCore™ AURIX™– TC4x

The AURIX™ TC4x family – real-time safety and security performance leader is coming!
Major disrupters have emerged in the automotive market.

  • Innovation in E/E architecture in the areas of domain & zone control
  • Accelerated shift from conventional powertrain to xEV
  • Increased safety and automated driving

AURIX™ TC4x family addresses these challenges pushing the boundaries in automotive MCU usage for safe and secure processing

The first samples of the new AURIX™ TC4x family of microcontrollers (MCUs) for next-generation eMobility, ADAS, automotive E/E architectures and affordable artificial intelligence (AI) applications are now at lead customers.

The new scalable family provides an upward migration path from Infineon’s leading AURIX™ TC3x family of MCUs. Performance is boosted by the next-generation TriCore™ 1.8 and the scalable AURIX™ accelerator suite, including the new PPU (Parallel Processing Unit) and multiple smart accelerators.

Support for high-speed communication interfaces like 5 Gbit Ethernet and PCIe along with new interfaces such as CAN-XL and 10BASE T1S Ethernet gives customers the performance, throughput and flexibility needed to implement new E/E architectures.

The scalable family concept enables a common software architecture enabling significant platform software savings and the feature-rich concept gives plenty of headroom to grow for both Tier 1’s and OEMs

Safety Products PRO-SIL™

AURIX™ Security Solutions

32-bit AURIX™ : A Holistic Security Architecture

Infineon’s AURIX™ 32-bit microcontroller family, with its embedded Hardware Security Module (HSM), is a perfect fit for automotive applications, where specific security functionalities are required. Typical examples of such applications are tuning protection, immobilizer , secure on-board communication etc. Infineon not only offers a scalable portfolio of compatible AURIX™ devices, with integrated HSM, but also the necessary SW packages as well as support services. This provides our customers with everything they need to fulfill the security requirements of their applications

AURIX™ – TC3xx Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Inteligence is not limited to high end applications anymore and has entered the embedded world within the last decade.
When to use AI ?

AI as the bridge connecting humans with the digital world.

It aims to leverages human capacities for learning, perception and interaction. Therefore less information is lost during this “connection”.
Although the surface of AI remains rule-based reasoning, AI has deeper subfields going further than the standard programming way.

Machine Learning:

In this AI subfield, the computer is taught to do tasks with data without explicit programming. It is based on numerical and statistical approaches.
In brief, Machine Learning deals with the conception, the analysis, the optimization, the development and the implementation of such techniques.
For example, Neural Networks are part of the AI subdivision

Typicall Neural Network based application development steps:

  • Create or find a model fitting the application needs
  • Training Phase – Teach the network (on server or computing platform)
  • Inference Phase – Deploy on target
  • Validate the results

Deep Learning

Deep learning is a subfield of Machine Learning with more that two Neural Network layers. Since it is computationally intensive, Deep Learning needs specialized HW.
Deep Learning based algorithms learn pattern from data by themselves, where human would even not have found out the relevant pattern in the data.
Where ML is only creating rules, DL is building more efficient decision rules by adding features extraction to the process.

AI in AURIX™-TC3xx
We enter a new era of innovation possibilities for the automotive industry, where AI brings much more than the well-known Automated Driving, with solutions regarding connected cars or safety concerns, among others.

  • More and more in-vehicle sensors and ECUs lead to more and more data to compute.
  • Embedded AI could reduce operational cost and improve vehicle safety.

Advantages of using AURIX™ for AI applications

AURIX™ Embedded Software

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