Concepts providing electrical performance and highest reliability without limiting the design flexibility
Our portfolio comprises cutting-edge IGBT power modules in different product families, configurations, current ratings as well as IGBT chip generations for an almost infinite number of applications. The well-known 62 mm, Easy and Econo families, IHM / IHV B-series, PrimePACK™ and XHP™ power modules are all equipped with the latest IGBT technologies. They come in chopper, dual, PIM, fourpack, sixpack, twelvepack, 3-level, booster or single switch configuration with a current rating between 6 A and 3600 A. IGBT modules cover a range from only hundreds of watts to several megawatts. General purpose drives, traction, servo-units and renewable energy applications like solar inverters or wind applications benefit from the outstanding performance, efficiency and longevity of these highly reliable products.
IGBT modules are also available with pre-applied thermal interface material (TIM) for a reproducible thermal performance of power electronic applications. In addition, IGBT modules can be mounted with the help of PressFIT pins for a solder-less and lead-free mounting of power modules.
Automotive qualified IGBT module solutions are also available to support the designer’s efforts in hybrid and electric mobility.
We offer a broad portfolio of IGBT chips assembled in discrete plastic packages, so called Discretes IGBTs, which are available as Single IGBTs and co-packed with freewheeling Diode. This devices are suitable for applications such as General Purpose Inverters, Solar Inverters, UPS, Induction Heating, Major Home Appliances, Welding and SMPS. Benefits of Discretes IGBT are high current density and low power dissipation resulting in higher efficiency and smaller heat sink to allow lower overall system cost.
Larger arrangements that form basic building blocks of power electronic equipment are considered Power Modules usually combining IGBT and diode dies in various topologies. With the help of high performance components, these power modules can cope with the needs of highest power applications. From all-in-one power integrated modules with rectifier, brake chopper and to inverter part, Infineon products cover a range from only hundreds of watts to several megawatts. General purpose drives, servo-units and renewable energy applications like solar inverters or wind applications benefit from the outstanding performance, efficiency and longevity of these highly reliable products.
The HybridPACK™ family as a special product series with automotive qualification is available to support the designer’s efforts in electric mobility. Infineon further supports the automotive industry, providing a variety of discrete IGBT power semiconductors qualified according to AECQ101.
To ease setting up a laboratory experiment or a first prototype, Infineon helps by providing evaluation boards for most of the products to accelerate development cycles. Thus, conclusive results can be generated within the shortest possible time.
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