CIRRENT™ IoT Network Intelligence (INI)

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Thông tin sản phẩm

CIRRENT™ IoT Network Intelligence is a cloud software solution that helps data-driven product development to improve user experience, improve product reviews, decrease returns, and increase sales. CIRRENT™ INI uses the CIRRENT™ Agent embedded software in your IoT product to securely report data into the CIRRENT™ Cloud and provide real-time access for your product management and engineering teams via the CIRRENT™ Console. With CIRRENT™ INI, your product and engineering teams can solve customer and product problems faster. To get started, register for a free account or contact sales for more information.

Deep insights into customer environments

  • Identify and prioritize your customer’s pain points and solve issues faster
  • Understand customer environment: ISP, router make and model, and more

Optimize product performance using data

  • Real-world performance analytics pre and post product launch
  • Product lifecycle data related to product capabilities and wireless performance
  • Built for scale – Scale from tens of devices to millions
  • Make sure your test plans align with real world deployments

Identify and prioritize product issues

  • Visibility into all your products in the field
  • Compare performance of products in your fleet at scale or deep dive into a single device
  • Improve product performance in the field
  • Timely identification of device failures and network issues in the field

Focus your engineers on building product, not dashboards

  • 100 engineering weeks saved: Don’t waste precious engineering time/resources on building infrastructures, we have preconfigured dashboards, events, attributes
  • Less time (on average 40 hours) spent trying to get to root cause of the product issue or customer environment
  • Pre-built dashboards, out of the box events

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